Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yeah>< Happy Birthday to u...Eng Chew

10September09 is my second younger brother birthday....ha..ha...very happy leh^^

So today is my second younger brother birthday

......Eng Chew......>
Today i usually wake up at 9.00am de...but Eng Chew birthday

so i wake at 8.00am to meet with

......Yi Zhang.......>
but when to school yi zhang is pratice the badminton

......then....then....i wait for yi zhang

but the yi zhang no see me at dewan....OMG..OMG...

I wait there already long time>
then i go to find yi zhang

but he already change school uniform

he said he can't out cause the

(guard) dont give pelajar wearing school uniform

to go out school....then yi zhang give me money

to buy present to Eng Chew

I go for Giant to buy some things is

about badminton de things but the shop no yet open.....

When school finish....

i with chee lam go to the shop and

buy a APACS T-SHIRT to Eng Chew..

Yi zhang go for buy cake and something...

And is time for celebrate together

Me....Yi Zhang.....Kar Men...Kai Wen...Wai Yuen...Chee lam....Michelle

and lot of person lah...

just have some lah....

sorry ah no take pic...cause we celebrate


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