Sunday, August 16, 2009

2009年8月15日 星期六

今天 我终于在我的手提电脑 注册成功...的部落格..哈哈 进入正题...呵呵.. 今天学校有上课..闷闷.. 到了学校找朋友~~聊聊天 在班上没上课...便到处
走~~走 想去找沛芬~~...但看到她 在发呆便不打扰沛芬....LoL~ 原本,i want to tell pei fen about cyrill with sportcheck her,but.. when i want to find~~pei fen, the cyril is already want to check pei fen
因为沛芬...有..有..带手提电话来, 原本要帮她收着的>>>但来不及了!!! 放学了^^..

CYRIL 想把沛芬的...>>hanphone give to the noob but i 向他求请不要没收 >>>沛芬<<< 的 handphone and then i said i am pei fen best friends

then he trust me,so the prefect give back to ^^LEE PEI FEN^^ I also cant belive the cyrill will do that....呵呵 最后呢>>^^ 幸好 pei fen get back her handphone....then i my mute can said very happy....leh Cause help her take back HP...^^ BYE..bye....BYE ^^ ^^

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